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Houston Journal of Mathematics, Vol. 6-10 (1980 - 1984)

HJM Volume 6, 1980

HJM Volume 6, 1980 HJM Volume 7, 1981 HJM Volume 8, 1982 HJM Volume 9, 1983 HJM Volume 10, 1984
Roger Alperin Compact Groups Acting on Trees 439 6 (4) 1980
W. Balser, W. B. Jurkat, D. A. Lutz A General Theory of Invariants for Meromorphic Differential Equations; Part III, Applications 149 6 (2) 1980
B. Banaschewski, C. J. Mulvey Stone-Cech Compactification of Locales I 301 6 (3) 1980
Maureen A. Bardwell Lattice-Ordered Groups of Order Automorphisms of Partially Ordered Sets 191 6 (2) 1980
R. Beazer Congruence Pairs of Distributive Double p-Algebras With Non-Empty Core 443 6 (4) 1980
Harold Bell, Ezra Brown, R. F. Dickman, Jr., E. L. Green Circularity of Graphs and Continua: Combinatorics 455 6 (4) 1980
David P. Bellamy A Tree-Like Continuum Without the Fixed-Point Property 1 6 (1) 1980
Laurence Boxer Some Limit Properties of C-Movably Regular Convergence 313 6 (3) 1980
Dennis W. Brewer The Asymptotic Stability of a Nonlinear Functional Differential Equation of Infinite Delay 321 6 (3) 1980
Ron Brown Real-Valued Places on the Function Field of an Algebraic Curve 227 6 (2) 1980
Douglas M. Campbell Analytic Functions All of Whose Level Sets Are of Infinite Length 15 6 (1) 1980
L. Carlitz Multiple Binomial and Power Sums 331 6 (3) 1980
D. Cenzer, R. D. Mauldin Faithful Extensions of Analytic Sets to Borel Sets 19 6 (1) 1980
Zvonko Cerin C-Movably Regular Convergence 471 6 (4) 1980
John Dauns Uniform Modules and Complements 31 6 (1) 1980
Robert J. Daverman, D. Kriss Preston Cell-Like 1-Dimensional Decomposition of S3 Are 4-Manifold Factors 491 6 (4) 1980
Dragomir Z. Djokovic Closures of Conjugacy Classes in the Classical Complex Lie Groups 245 6 (2) 1980
Harold Donnelly On the Spectral Theory of Simply Connected Negatively Curved Surfaces 41 6 (1) 1980
Carl Eberhart, Sam B. Nadler, Jr. Irreducible Whitney Levels 355 6 (3) 1980
Lawrence C. Evans A Convergence Theorem for a Chemical Diffusion-Reaction System 259 6 (2) 1980
Desmond Fearnley-Sander Affine Geometry and Exterior Algebra 53 6 (1) 1980
S. R. Foguel The Hopf Decomposition of a Riesz Space 503 6 (4) 1980
Thomas A. Fournelle Elementary Abelian p-Groups As Automorphism Groups of Infinite Groups II 269 6 (2) 1980
Jonathan S. Golan Two Sheaf Constructions for Noncommutative Rings 59 6 (1) 1980
Jerome A. Goldstein The Universal Addability Problem for Generators of Cosine Functions and Operator Groups 365 6 (3) 1980
J. Grispolakis, E. D. Tymchatyn Continua Which Are Images of Weakly Confluent Mappings Only, (II) 375 6 (3) 1980
Georg Hetzer On a Semilinear Operator Equation at Resonance 277 6 (2) 1980
Jonathan A. Hillman Orientability, Asphericity and Two-Knots 67 6 (1) 1980
V. K. Jain Summations of Basic Hypergeometric Series and Rogers-Ramanujan Identities 511 6 (4) 1980
Tibor Katrinak Subdirectly Irreducible Double p-Algebras of Finite Length 523 6 (4) 1980
Ronald J. Leach The Coefficient Problem for Bazilevic Functions 543 6 (4) 1980
Vivienne Mayes, B. E. Rhoades Some Properties of the Leininger Generalized Hausdorff Matrix 287 6 (2) 1980
Douglas Meadows Some Groups of PL Self-Knottings 389 6 (3) 1980
E. P. Merkes Partial Sum Subordination of Univalent Functions 77 6 (1) 1980
Kenneth C. Millett Smooth Families of Knots 85 6 (1) 1980
Lex G. Oversteegen Open Retractions and Locally Confluent Mappings of Certain Continua 113 6 (1) 1980
Lex G. Oversteegen, James T. Rogers, Jr. An Inverse Limit Description of an Atriodic Tree-Like Continuum and an Induced Map Without a Fixed Point 549 6 (4) 1980
Judy Kennedy Phelps Homeomorphisms of Products of Universal Curves 127 6 (1) 1980
Kenneth J. Prevot Modifications of Controllable Cutting and Pasting 565 6 (4) 1980
C. R. Putnam Hyponormal Operators With Minimal Spectral Area 135 6 (1) 1980
Jurg Schmid Multipliers on Distributive Lattices and Rings of Quotients. I 401 6 (3) 1980
Harry F. Smith Finitely Generated Solvable Generalized (-1,1) Algebras 141 6 (1) 1980
Glenn F. Webb, Maurizio Badii Representation of Solutions of Functional Differential Equations With Time-Dependent Delays 577 6 (4) 1980
Steven H. Weintraub PSL2(Zp) and the Atiyah-Bott Fixed-Point Theorem 427 6 (3) 1980
L. W. White Approximation of a Parabolic Optimal Control Problem by Pseudo-Parabolic Problems 595 6 (4) 1980
Rudolf Wille Cancellation and Refinement Results for Function Lattices 431 6 (3) 1980
J. S. Mac Nerney Supplement 1980: Finitely Additive Set Functions 1--125 6 (S) 1980

HJM Volume 7, 1981

HJM Volume 6, 1980 HJM Volume 7, 1981 HJM Volume 8, 1982 HJM Volume 9, 1983 HJM Volume 10, 1984

Charles A. Akemann Operator Algebras Associated With Fuchsian Groups 295 7 (3) 1981
H. Amann, E. Zehnder Multiple Periodic Solutions for a Class of Nonlinear Autonomous Wave Equations 147 7 (2) 1981
D. D. Anderson, D. F. Anderson, E. W. Johnson Some Ideal-Theoretic Conditions on a Noetherian Ring 1 7 (1) 1981
George E. Andrews Multiple q-Series Identities 11 7 (1) 1981
Zvi Arad, David Chillag Finite Groups Containing a Nilpotent Hall Subgroup of Even Order 23 7 (1) 1981
J. T. Arnold, M. B. Boisen, Jr. Simple Going Down and Going Down 455 7 (4) 1981
Christine W. Ayoub Restricted Chain Conditions on Groups and Group Rings 303 7 (3) 1981
Kirby A. Baker Definable Normal Closures in Locally Finite Varieties of Groups 467 7 (4) 1981
John T. Baldwin, Joel Berman Elementary Classes of Varieties 473 7 (4) 1981
Hans-J. Bandelt Local Polynomial Functions on Lattices 317 7 (3) 1981
Wayne C. Bell Addendum to ``Hellinger Integrals and Set Function Derivatives'' 493 7 (4) 1981
W. M. Boyce Baxter Permutations and Functional Composition 175 7 (2) 1981
Beverly Brechner Extendable Periodic Homeomorphisms on Chainable Continua 327 7 (3) 1981
Ezra Brown The Class Number of Q(sqrt(-pq)), for p = -q = 1 (mod 4) Primes 497 7 (4) 1981
C. E. Chidume On the Approximation of Fixed Points of Nonexpansive Mappings 345 7 (3) 1981
Mary Embry-Wardrop Quasinormal Extensions of Subnormal Operators 191 7 (2) 1981
Benjamin Fine, George E. Lang, Jr. Locally Free Groups and Direct Limits of CW-Complexes 357 7 (3) 1981
Adriano M. Garsia A q-Analogue of the Lagrange Inversion Formula 205 7 (2) 1981
Hillel Gauchman On a Decomposition of Riemannian Manifolds 365 7 (3) 1981
Jonathan S. Golan On Some Torsion Theories Studied by Komarnickii 239 7 (2) 1981
Jack T. Goodykoontz, Jr. Hyperspaces of Arc-Smooth Continua 33 7 (1) 1981
C. K. Gupta, N. D. Gupta Magnus Embeddings for Groups and Group Rings 43 7 (1) 1981
Anthony W. Hager Metric-Discrete Uniform Spaces and Their Cozero Fields 53 7 (1) 1981
Charles L. Hagopian, Leland E. Rogers Arcwise Connectivity and Continuum Chainability 249 7 (2) 1981
Johnette Hassell On the Torsion Product of Valued Vector Spaces 73 7 (1) 1981
George Kozlowski, W. H. Row, John J. Walsh Cell-Like Mappings With 1-Dimensional Fibers on 3-Dimensional Polyhedra 261 7 (2) 1981
S. H. Kulkarni, B. V. Limaye Spectral Mapping Theorem for Real Banach Algebras 507 7 (4) 1981
Alan Lambert Ergodic Theory and the Point Spectra of Weighted Composition Operators 519 7 (4) 1981
Wayne Lewis Almost Chainable Homogeneous Continua Are Chainable 373 7 (3) 1981
A. Mader Exact Sequences of Completions of Abelian Groups With Linear Topology 83 7 (1) 1981
J. F. McClendon On Evaluation Fibrations 379 7 (3) 1981
Ralph McKenzie, Constantine Tsinakis On Recovering a Bounded Distributive Lattice From Its Endomorphism Monoid 525 7 (4) 1981
Charles Megibben Extending Automorphisms of Basic Subgroups 389 7 (3) 1981
Susan Montgomery, D. S. Passman X-Inner Automorphisms of Group Rings 395 7 (3) 1981
Patrick Morton A Note on Recurrences Satisfied by Special Classes of Polynomials 97 7 (1) 1981
M. A. Natsheh PL Involutions of K x S1 With a Two-Dimensional Fixed-Point Set Component 531 7 (4) 1981
Lex G. Oversteegen A Continuum-Chainable Aposyndetic Plane Continuum 271 7 (2) 1981
James Michael Parks A Note on the Monoid of Self-Equivalences 403 7 (3) 1981
Gregory B. Passty Preservation of the Asymptotic Behavior of a Nonlinear Contraction Semigroup by Backward Differencing 103 7 (1) 1981
T. Pham-Gia On Infinite Convolutions of Uniform Distributions 111 7 (1) 1981
C. L. Prather On Some New and Old Theorems, On Final Sets 407 7 (3) 1981
M. L. Narayana Rao, K. Kuppu Swamy Rao Full Collineation Group of Foulser's Flag Transitive Plane of Order 25 115 7 (1) 1981
Michael Rich The Peirce Decomposition in Associative and Alternative Rings 121 7 (1) 1981
K. Satyanarayana, K. Kuppu Swamy Rao Full Collineation Group of the Second of Foulser's Flag Transitive Planes of Order 25 537 7 (4) 1981
Parfeny P. Saworotnow Irreducible Representations of a Banach Algebra on a Hilbert Module 275 7 (2) 1981
Albert Shar Homotopy Torsion Free H-Spaces 545 7 (4) 1981
H. Silverman Univalent Functions With Varying Arguments 283 7 (2) 1981
H. Silverman, E. M. Silvia Fixed Coefficients for Subclasses of Starlike Functions 129 7 (1) 1981
J. E. Smith A New Family of l-Group Varieties 551 7 (4) 1981
L. R. Sons Gap Series--Growth, Normality, and Values Assumed 431 7 (3) 1981
R. E. Stong Highly Parallelizable Manifolds With Involution 571 7 (4) 1981
John Tiller Augmented Compact Spaces and Continuous Lattices 441 7 (3) 1981
William F. Trench Limits of Certain Sequences Associated With Cylinder Functions 289 7 (2) 1981
E. D. Tymchatyn On Absolutely Essential Mappings 137 7 (1) 1981
Alasdair Urquhart The Decision Problem for Equational Theories 587 7 (4) 1981
John J. Walsh, David C. Wilson The Non-Existence of Continuous Decompositions of 3-Manifolds Into Absolute Retracts 591 7 (4) 1981
David G. Winslow Cyclic Actions on S2 x (0,1) 597 7 (4) 1981

HJM Volume 8, 1982

HJM Volume 6, 1980 HJM Volume 7, 1981 HJM Volume 8, 1982 HJM Volume 9, 1983 HJM Volume 10, 1984
Gerald A. Anderson Unlinking Lambda-Homology Spheres 147 8 (2) 1982
Joseph Barback On Tame Regressive Isols 153 8 (2) 1982
Kevin A. Broughan Isotropic Metrics With Disconnected Range 455 8 (4) 1982
Douglas Campbell, George Piranian Problems on the Normality of Holomorphic Functions 1 8 (1) 1982
Gengzhe Chang A Proof of a Theorem of Douglas and Neumann by Circulant Matrices 15 8 (1) 1982
Peter H. Chang Exact Solutions for a Certain Hyperbolic 2-Conservation Law 463 8 (4) 1982
J. A. Chatfield Eigenvalues of a Stieltjes-Volterra Integral Equation 303 8 (3) 1982
J. DeFranza Products of Summability Methods 19 8 (1) 1982
Clement L. DeMayo Mock-Realcompactness and the Equational Completion of Countable Sets 161 8 (2) 1982
David E. Dobbs, Marco Fontana, James A. Huckaba, Ira J. Papick Strong Ring Extensions and Pseudo-Valuation Domains 167 8 (2) 1982
B. Domanski The Complexity of Two Decision Problems for Free Groups 29 8 (1) 1982
Edwin Duda, James Kell, III Two Sum Theorems for Semispan 317 8 (3) 1982
Carl Eberhart On Abelian Semigroups Whose Congruences Form a Simple Lattice 323 8 (3) 1982
Nazih S. Faour Toeplitz Operators on Bergmann and Hardy Spaces 185 8 (2) 1982
Temple H. Fay, Edwin P. Oxford, Gary L. Walls Preradicals in Abelian Groups 39 8 (1) 1982
Temple H. Fay, M. Rajagopalan, Barbara V. Smith-Thomas Free Groups, Free Products and 0-Dimensionality 333 8 (3) 1982
P. M. Fitzpatrick, W. V. Petryshyn On Connected Components of Solutions of Nonlinear Eigenvalue Problems 477 8 (4) 1982
George K. Francis, Stephanie F. Troyer Continuation: Excellent Maps With Given Folds and Cusps 53 8 (1) 1982
Gregory A. Fredricks Functionally Independent Solutions to Certain Systems on Nonlinear First Order Partial Differential Equations 193 8 (2) 1982
R. M. Goel, Beant Singh Mehrok A Subclass of Univalent Functions 343 8 (3) 1982
E. Graczynska, F. Pastijn Proofs of Regular Identities 61 8 (1) 1982
Charles L. Hagopian Arcwise Connectivity of Continuum-Chainable Plane Continua 69 8 (1) 1982
Gerald Jungck Local Radial Contractions -- A Counter-Example 501 8 (4) 1982
Steven M. Kahn The Conner-Miller Classes of a Product Involution and Borsuk-Ulam Type Theorems 75 8 (1) 1982
G. P. Kapoor, A. K. Mishra Distortion Theorems for Some Classes of Analytic Functions 85 8 (1) 1982
J. Krasinkiewicz Mapping Properties of Hereditarily Indecomposable Continua 507 8 (4) 1982
Terry Lawson Splitting Spheres As Codimension r Doubles 205 8 (2) 1982
Glenn R. Luecke, Justin R. Peters Analytic Functions of Operators That Satisfy Polynomial Identities 93 8 (1) 1982
Peter Malcolmson, Jay Shapiro The Hilbert Basis Theorem for Skew Polynomial Rings 359 8 (3) 1982
John C. Mayer Embeddings and Prime End Structure of Chainable Continua 221 8 (2) 1982
Louis F. McAuley, Eric E. Robinson On Inverse Convergence of Sets, Inverse Limits, and Homotopy Regularity 369 8 (3) 1982
Peter A. McCoy Best Approximation of Solutions to a Class of Elliptic Partial Differential Equations 517 8 (4) 1982
Ralph McKenzie Subdirect Powers of Non-Abelian Groups 389 8 (3) 1982
Ahmad Mirbagheri, L. J. Ratliff, Jr. On the Intersection of Two Overrings 525 8 (4) 1982
Lee Mohler Arc Components and Density in lambda-Dendroids 109 8 (1) 1982
Susan Montgomery, D. S. Passman X-Inner Automorphisms of Group Rings II 537 8 (4) 1982
Robert Mullins, Michael Ziegler On a Subclass of Functions of Positive Real Part With Negative Coefficients 255 8 (2) 1982
Togo Nishiura, Choon Jai Rhee Contractibility of the Hyperspace of Subcontinua 119 8 (1) 1982
Dan Novak On a Duality Between the Concepts ``Finite'' and ``Directed'' 545 8 (4) 1982
Hans Opolka Irreducible Primitive Characters of Finite Solvable Groups 401 8 (3) 1982
Lex G. Oversteegen, E. D. Tymchatyn Plane Strips and the Span of Continua, (I) 129 8 (1) 1982
T. H. Pate A Unifying Context for the Classical Cauchy Initial Value Problem and the Type of Problelm Solvable Using an Iteration Procedure Suggested by Neuberger 273 8 (2) 1982
James V. Peters A Tauberian Theorem for the Radon Transform 565 8 (4) 1982
Mohan S. Putcha On Homomorphisms of Algebraic Semigroups 285 8 (2) 1982
Joseph Quinn Conservative and Dissipative Parts of Non-Measure Preserving Weighted Composition Operators 575 8 (4) 1982
William O. Ray, T. E. Williamson Fixed Points and the Geometry of Nonexpansive Mappings in Banach Spaces 409 8 (3) 1982
James T. Rogers, Jr. Homogeneous Hereditarily Indecomposable Continua Are Tree-Like 421 8 (3) 1982
Lee A. Rubel An Elimination Theorem for Systems of Algebraic Differential Equations 289 8 (2) 1982
Sek Wui Seah Bounded Solutions of Multivalued Differential Systems 587 8 (4) 1982
William V. Smith Differential Operators in Banach Spaces With Densely Defined Spectral Measures 429 8 (3) 1982
Eric K. van Douwen An Infinite Product of Continua Without Nontrivial Embeddings Into Itself 143 8 (1) 1982
Richard H. Warren The Number of Topologies 297 8 (2) 1982
Cheh-Chih Yeh A Common Fixed Point Theorem 449 8 (3) 1982

HJM Volume 9, 1983

HJM Volume 6, 1980 HJM Volume 7, 1981 HJM Volume 8, 1982 HJM Volume 9, 1983 HJM Volume 10, 1984
Nazar Hussein Abdelaziz Commutativity and the Generation of n-Parameter Semi-Groups of Bounded Linear Operators 151 9 (2) 1983
C. Alsina, B. Schweizer The Countable Product of Probabilistic Metric Spaces 303 9 (3) 1983
Mauriso Alves Bieberbach's Conjecture With |a3| Restricted 311 9 (3) 1983
David F. Anderson When the Dual of an Ideal Is a Ring 325 9 (3) 1983
Hans-Jurgen Bandelt, Jurg Schmid Multipliers on Semilattices and Semigroups of Quotients 333 9 (3) 1983
M. F. Barnsley, J. V. Herod, D. L. Mosher, G. B. Passty Solutions for a Model Boltzmann Equation by Monotonicity Methods 345 9 (3) 1983
Carlos Ruiz de Velasco y Bellas Wreath Products of Near-Rings 357 9 (3) 1983
Gunter Bruns Varieties of Modular Ortholattices 1 9 (1) 1983
Stavros N. Busenberg, Curtis C. Travis A Nonlinear Semigroup Whose Generator Is Not Dissipative 363 9 (3) 1983
Zvonko Cerin C-e-Movable and (C,D)-e-Tame Compacta 9 9 (1) 1983
Robert F. Damiano Modules Coflat Over Their Endomorphism Rings 373 9 (3) 1983
Richard B. Darst, Judith A. Palagallo An Extension Theorem for Disjointly Additive Functionals on Lp, 0<p<1 383 9 (3) 1983
Robert J. Daverman Disk-Pastings of Crumpled Cubes 157 9 (2) 1983
J. DeFranza, D. J. Fleming Norlund Polynomial Methods on BK Spaces 447 9 (4) 1983
Ivo Duntsch On Free or Projective Regular Double Stone Algebras 455 9 (4) 1983
Mary Embry-Wardrop The Positive Factor of a Subnormal Semigroup 387 9 (3) 1983
Daniel R. Farkas Ordinally Complete Group Rings 465 9 (4) 1983
Joe W. Fisher, M. H. Fahmy, G. M. Hussein A Galois Version of a Theorem of Jacobson 171 9 (2) 1983
Joe W. Fisher, Jan Krempa `RG Is Nil Implies R Is Nil' Is Equivalent to the `Koethe Conjecture' 177 9 (2) 1983
Thomas A. Fournelle An Example of a Pseudocomplete Nilpotent Group 29 9 (1) 1983
B. D. Garrett Almost Continuity on Peano Continua 181 9 (2) 1983
G. Gierz, J. D. Lawson, A. Stralka Quasicontinuous Posets 191 9 (2) 1983
R. M. Goel, N. S. Sohi On the Order of Starlikeness of a Subclass of Convex Functions and Some Convolution Results 209 9 (2) 1983
Jo Heath On n-ods 477 9 (4) 1983
Michael Henry, Sam B. Nadler, Jr. Families of Eventually Constant Mappings 35 9 (1) 1983
N. J. Kalton On Spaces of Measurable Vector-Valued Functions 397 9 (3) 1983
Thomas A. Keagy Summability of Alterations Based on Stretchings of Sequences 407 9 (3) 1983
B. Kuttner, M. R. Parameswaran Summability Functions for Regular Hausdorff Methods 489 9 (4) 1983
B. Kuttner, B. E. Rhoades Comments on a Paper by Mayes and Rhoades 217 9 (2) 1983
Ronald J. Leach On a Determinant in the Theory of Multivalent Functions 221 9 (2) 1983
W. R. Madych, S. A. Nelson Sets of Uniqueness for Solutions of the Reduced Wave Equation 415 9 (3) 1983
J. D. Mashburn The Least Fixed Point Property for omega-Chain Continuous Functions 231 9 (2) 1983
Alice Mason, David C. Wilson Monotone Mappings on n-Dimensional Continua 49 9 (1) 1983
AR. Meenakshi On Sums of EP Matrices 63 9 (1) 1983
David Meier A Note on Simple Free Products 501 9 (4) 1983
Claudio Morales Set-Valued Mappings in Banach Spaces 245 9 (2) 1983
Mursaleen Matrix Transformations Between Some New Sequence Spaces 505 9 (4) 1983
Roger B. Nelson Some Fiber Preserving Involutions of Orientable 3-Dimensional Handlebodies 255 9 (2) 1983
William R. Nico Wreath Products and Extensions 71 9 (1) 1983
Jacek Nikiel A Characterization of Dendroids With Uncountably Many End-Points in the Classical Sense 421 9 (3) 1983
J. M. O'Farrell The Sorgenfrey Line Is Not Totally Metacompact 271 9 (2) 1983
Young Lim Park The Quasi-F Cover As a Filter Space 101 9 (1) 1983
F. D. Pedersen, Walter S. Sizer Relating Certain Semigroup Homomorphisms With Group Retractions 111 9 (1) 1983
W. V. Petryshyn, Z. S. Yu Nonresonance and Existence for Nonlinear BVProblems 511 9 (4) 1983
Wayne B. Powell Injectives in a Class of Lattice Ordered Modules 275 9 (2) 1983
L. Thomas Ramsey, Benjamin B. Wells Special Graphs Related to a Problem of Harmonic Analysis 289 9 (2) 1983
L. J. Ratliff, Jr. Asymptotic Sequences and Factor Rings 531 9 (4) 1983
James T. Rogers. Jr. An Aposyndetic Homogeneous Curve That Is Not Locally Connected 433 9 (3) 1983
I. G. Rosenberg, A. Szendrei Degress of Clones and Relations 545 9 (4) 1983
Daniel S. Silver Embedding 2-Spheres Topologically in Smooth 4-Manifolds 119 9 (1) 1983
H. Silverman On the Quotient of an Analytic Function and Its Partial Sums 297 9 (2) 1983
Kalman Szabo A Counterexample to a Conjecture in Linear Second-Order Differential Equations 441 9 (3) 1983
Jan van Mill A Remark on the Rudin-Keisler Order of Ultrafilters 125 9 (1) 1983
Laurent Veron Weak Weak-Star Compactness of Dominated Subsets of L1mu(E;Linftynu(F)) 581 9 (4) 1983
William P. Wardlaw Finitely Associative Groupoids and Algebras 587 9 (4) 1983
David P. Young Singular Nonlinear Diffusion Equations 131 9 (1) 1983

HJM Volume 10, 1984

HJM Volume 6, 1980 HJM Volume 7, 1981 HJM Volume 8, 1982 HJM Volume 9, 1983 HJM Volume 10, 1984
Samuel Omoloye Ajala Differentiable Structures on Products of Spheres 1 10 (1) 1984
Christopher Allday, Stephen Halperin Sullivan-deRham Theory for Rational Alexander-Spanier Cohomology 15 10 (1) 1984
C. Anichini, P. Zecca Multivalued Differential Equations and Control Problems 307 10 (3) 1984
Hans-J. Bandelt, Marcel Erne Representations and Embeddings of M-Distributive Lattices 315 10 (3) 1984
K. F. Barth The Asymptotic Behavior Near Singular Points of Functions Meromorphic in the Unit Disk 153 10 (2) 1984
Gerald Beer The Approximation of Real Functions in the Hausdorff Metric 325 10 (3) 1984
Jon. M. Borwein, Brailey Sims Non-Expansive Mappings on Banach Lattices and Related Topics 339 10 (3) 1984
Morton Brown A New Proof of Brouwer's Lemma on Translation Arcs 35 10 (1) 1984
W. D. Collins, E. J. Vought Continuum Chainability and Monotone Decompositions in Certain Classes of Unicoherent Continua 457 10 (4) 1984
Chris Cosner, William Rundell Extensions of Solutions to Second Order Partial Differential Equations by the Method of Quasireversibility 357 10 (3) 1984
J. DeFranza, D. J. Fleming Norlund Polynomial Methods of Type M(E) 371 10 (3) 1984
David Eck Invariants of k-Jet Actions 159 10 (2) 1984
B. Felzenszwalb On the Local Finiteness of Certain Algebras 383 10 (3) 1984
Henry Clay Fickle Knots, Z-Homology 3-Spheres and Contractible 4-Manifolds 467 10 (4) 1984
Robert J. Fisher, Jr. On the Existence of Principal Bundle Structures for Compact Riemann Surfaces of Genus g >= 1 169 10 (2) 1984
S. R. Grace, B. S. Lalli On Oscillation of Solutions of Higher Order Differential Retarded Inequalities 173 10 (2) 1984
S. R. Grace, B. S. Lalli Corrigendum to ``On Oscillation of Solutions of Higher Order Differential Retarded Inequalities'' 453 10 (3) 1984
Manjul Gupta, John Patterson Generalized Sequence Spaces and Matrix Transformations 387 10 (3) 1984
Vagn Lundsgaard Hansen On the Homotopy Groups of Punctured Manifolds 181 10 (2) 1984
R. A. Heeg A Theorem on Central Fixed Jordan Rings 495 10 (4) 1984
L. L. Herrington, Paul E. Long, William D. Hammers Functions With a theta-Closed Graph 399 10 (3) 1984
Paul Hill The Classification of N-Groups 43 10 (1) 1984
Jonathan A. Hillman Factorization of Kojima Knots and Hyperbolic Concordance of Levine Pairings 187 10 (2) 1984
Charles Holmes Generalized Rottlander, Honda, Yff Groups 405 10 (3) 1984
M. E. Huss The Lattice of Lattice Ordered Subgroups of a Lattice Ordered Group 503 10 (4) 1984
Mohammad Ismail Product of C-Closed Spaces 195 10 (2) 1984
Peter T. Johnstone Wallman Compactification of Locales 201 10 (2) 1984
Daniel Katz On the Integrity of Ideal Transforms 415 10 (3) 1984
Judy Kennedy More on a Weaker Form of Countable Dense Homogeneity 507 10 (4) 1984
Joong Ho Kim A Note on Isomorphisms of Power Series Rings 423 10 (3) 1984
W. A. Kirk, Y. Sternfeld The Fixed Point Property for Nonexpansive Mappings in Certain Product Spaces 207 10 (2) 1984
P. Krupski The Property of Kelley, Local Endpoints and Homogeneous Continua 215 10 (2) 1984
James Kuzmanovich, Mark L. Teply Semihereditary Monoid Rings 525 10 (4) 1984
Wayne Lewis The Pseudo-Arc of Pseudo-Arcs Is Unique 227 10 (2) 1984
A. I. Lichtman On Conjugacy of P-Subgroups of Multiplicative Group of Skew Fields 235 10 (2) 1984
Martin A. Magid Indefinite Einstein Hypersurfaces With Imaginary Principal Curvatures 57 10 (1) 1984
S. Miklos Confluent and Related Local Expansions on Graphs 63 10 (1) 1984
Claudio Morales Existence Theorems for Demicontinuous Accretive Operators in Banach Spaces 535 10 (4) 1984
Mursaleen Absolute Almost Convergent Sequences 427 10 (3) 1984
William C. Nemitz Extensions of Brouwerian Semilattices 545 10 (4) 1984
J. S. Okon Prime Divisors and Integral Extensions 245 10 (2) 1984
James Osterburg, Jae Keol Park Morita Contexts and Quotient Rings of Fixed Rings 75 10 (1) 1984
Lex G. Oversteegen, E. D. Tymchatyn Plane Strips and the Span of Continua, (II) 255 10 (2) 1984
P. Penner Hyperidentities of Semilattices 81 10 (1) 1984
Zbigniew Piotrowski, Andrzej Szymanski Concerning Blumberg's Theorem 109 10 (1) 1984
L. Thomas Ramsey, Benjamin B. Wells Interpolation Sets in Bounded Groups 117 10 (1) 1984
M. L. Narayana Rao, K. Kuppu Swamy Rao, K. Satyanarayana A Third Flag Transitive Plane of Order 27 127 10 (1) 1984
Jesus Rodriguez Minimum Residuals for Resonant Boundary Value Problems 267 10 (2) 1984
David C. Royster Dimension of the Fixed Point Set 273 10 (2) 1984
Hisamitsu Serizawa m-Browder-Accretiveness of a Quasilinear Differential Operator 147 10 (1) 1984
D. P. Shukla A q-Analogue of Carlitz's Operator 279 10 (2) 1984
Harold Simmons Three Sheaf Constructions for Noncommutative Rings 433 10 (3) 1984
Martha Smith Eigenvectors of Automorphisms of Polynomial Rings in Two Variables 559 10 (4) 1984
Roberto Luiz Soraggi A Remark on the Regularity of Spaces of Germs 445 10 (3) 1984
John Tiller Convex Continuous Lattices 575 10 (4) 1984
Philip C. Tonne A Simple Closed Curve on a Hemisphere 585 10 (4) 1984
James R. Ward, Jr. Applications of Critical Point Theory to Weakly Nonlinear Boundary Value Problems at Resonance 291 10 (2) 1984
Michiaki Watanabe A New Proof of the Generation Theorem of Cosine Families in Banach Spaces 285 10 (2) 1984
L. E. Whitaker A Countably Compact Extension Using Cores of Maximal Binding Families 587 10 (4) 1984
D. Wilken, R. Hornblower On the Support Points of Close-to-Convex Functions 593 10 (4) 1984

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